Mruk, Henryk2016-12-292016-12-291984Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 46, 1984, z. 3, s. 157-1730035-9629 and comparing changes in income and property distribution of the population in many states is very often difficult on account of different method of gathering statistical data. This concerns differences in systems of taxation of population's income, socio-demographic structure of society, number of households and first and foremost choice of household samples for representative studies. Coefficients of concentration and decile measures are the most common methods of describing income distribution. The studies carried out in the last decades (from the end of former century) allow to formulate a rule that degree of inequality of income and property distribution in households diminishes slowly as the time flows. Property of population being a function of a long-run income on the one hand and affecting the short-run incomes on the other, is distributed more inequally in societies than incomes. Differentiation of population incomes according to their amount is higher in capitalistic countries and lower in socialist ones. Increase in a range of incomes as expressed in absolute numbers can be observed as a level of concentration coefficients for income decreases. There can be also a difference in space observed between those countries which are considered to be rich in a sense of tenders of payment and those of a highly developed industry, technology and considerable productive property.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTendencje zmian w rozkładach dochodów i majątku ludności na świecieTrends of changes in income and property distribution of the world populationArtykuł