Matysiak, Andrzej2017-07-222017-07-221969Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 31, 1969, z. 3, s. 165-1760035-9629 subject of this article is an analysis of influence of actual planning system on the application of technical progress and especially on the choice of production methods. The analysis contains the criteria for choosing methods of production in a central plan and in segmental accounts. The author presents also the influence of the circulation of informations on the optimalization of methods of production. In the author's opinion an essential obstactle of technical progress lies in an autopetrification mechanism which hinders structural changes. Another restraint is the imperfection of investment calculations and especially the lack of an adequate programming system.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessWpływ systemu planowania na postęp technicznyInfluence of the Planning System on Technical ProgressArtykuł