Grabowski, Paweł2013-03-092013-03-092008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 1, s. 123-1310035-9629 his paper the author argues that Zygmunt Ziembiáski’s concept of a sanctioned norm and the sanctioning norm requires a certain completion. He also notices that the relation between these two norms (that the sanctioning norm shall be applied when the sanctioned norm has been violated) involves of a number of other norms that the author calls intervening norms. Those norms may create a chain in which individual norms may be related with each other in many different ways. The obligation indicated in a sanctioning norm arises only upon completion/realisation of relevant intervening norms. On the background of such differentiation between a situation in which a “norm has not been completed/realised” and a situation in which a “norm has been violated”, the author claims that in determining when a norm “has been violated” the mental state o f the person exercising such conduct should be taken into account. Applying that thought to the proposed chain o f intervening norms, the author than argues that the first norm is applied not when a given sanctioned norm is violated, but in a situation when there is a conviction that such a violation has already taken place.plO NORMATYWNOŚCI PRZEPISÓW REGULUJĄCYCH PROCES STANOWIENIA PRAWAON THE NORMATIVITY OF THE PROVISIONS REGULATING A LEGISLATIVE PROCESSArtykuł