Krause, Amadeusz2013-07-152013-07-152013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 24, 2013, s. 51-63978-83-232-2576-81233-6688 in special education turned into fact. Attitudes of special educators as well as social attitudes towards disabled have been changing. A new paradigms of the discipline have been considered. The text is a polemics with prof. Elżbieta Zakrzewska-Manterys who reproaches special education for objective treatment of education.plspecial educationsubjectivity of a disabled personPedagogika specjalna w obronie człowieczeństwa – polemika z Elżbietą Zakrzewską-ManterysSpecial education in a defence of humanity – polemics with Elżbieta Zakrzewska-ManterysArtykuł