Dębski, ArturMarciniak, Iwona2013-12-302013-12-302004Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2004, Tom XII, s. 251-264.0239-8524http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9530The article presents a thorough interpretation of a seal stamp, found during the archaeological excavations at the northern side o f the Sacred Mary Church in the Poznań Cathedral Island (Ostrów Tumski). The stamp is dated to the period between the end o f the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. This chronology is based upon its form and elements of its decoration. A legend inscribed on the stamp’s frame, informing that its belonged to James - a lector of the preacher order, made possible to identify a social status o f the owner along with his position in the Dominican structure. Unfortunately, neither connection between James and any concrete order nor whereabouts of his stay at Ostrów Tumski were recognized. These questions might be answered only after more detailed studies of the Dominican related archives are carried out.plTAJEMNICZY BRAT JAKUB - CZTERNASTOWIECZNY LEKTOR DOMINIKAŃSKI (przyczynek do studiów nad średniowieczną sfragistyką i monastycyzmem)A MYSTERIOUS BROTHER JAMES - THE 14™ CENTURY DOMINICAN LECTOR (a contribution to studies of medieval sfragistics and monasticism)Artykuł