Jachimowicz, KacperŻurkiewicz, Danuta2018-08-062018-08-062017Baltic-Pontic-Studies, 2017, vol. 22, pp.7-291231-0344http://hdl.handle.net/10593/23668The Yampil region represents a concentration of densely populated barrow cemeteries. Some 156 mounds figure in the available cartographic studies, which are the basis of spatial analysis presented below. The aforementioned therefore shall involve an examination of parameters for the localisation of tumuli in respect to altitude, terrain surface incline, direction of exposition and distance from waterways and watershed ridges as well as an analysis of visibility for selected sites, which shall describe preferences in respect to the chosen place of construction.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessspatial analysisDniesterEneolithicBronze AgeSpatial analysis of Yampil barrow complexPodolia ‘barrow culture’ communities:4th/3rd-2nd mill. BC the Yampil barrow complex: interdisciplinary studiesPostprinthttps://doi.org/10.1515/bps-2017-0018