Nieborak, Tomasz2013-03-132013-03-132001Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 63, 2001, z. 1-2, s. 51-660035-9629 the Basel Committee for the Supervision of Banking is one of the most important international organizations to deal with the functioning of the world banking system. It is worthy to stress here the fact that, properly speaking, the Committee is not an international organization but rather an international initiative of the most developed countries of the world. What more is - the Committee enjoys high consideration from international financial spheres; the last mentioned are more and more inclined to take into their consideration the respective recommendations o f the Committee in their own activities. The guiding principles issuing from the Committee are aimed precisely at a harmonization of regulations on finances, and more especially - on the supervision of world banking. These principles are addressed first of all to the developing countries which intend to stabilize their own financial markets for consequently to increase a confidence of possible foreign investors. Because an effective and strong system of banking is of utmost importance for a national economy. Also Poland belongs to this group of countries. Its system o f banking is being modernized and ameliorated according to the best international standards which all are included, among others, in one of the most important documents of the Basel Committee, i.e. in „Basic principles o f an effective supervision of banking”, as elaborated and published in 1997. The present article is an effort to make a lecturer acquainted with the document just mentioned above - first of all in this part of it which concerns a process of creating and next functioning of a bank - as viewed from the point o f view o f Polish law on banking - together with a presentation of the extent of advancement of the course of this harmonization with international standards.plREALIZACJA ZALECEŃ KOMITETU BAZYLEJSKIEGO DS. NADZORU BANKOWEGO DOTYCZĄCYCH PROCESU POWSTAWANIA I FUNKCJONOWANIA BANKU W POLSKIM PRAWIE BANKOWYMREALIZATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BASEL COMMITTEE FOR THE SUPERVISION OF BANKING IN WHAT CONCERNS THE PROCESS OF CREATING AND FUNCTIONNING OF A BANK IN POLISH LAW OF BANKINGArtykuł