Żyromski, Marek2013-02-082013-02-081999Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 1999, tom 11, s. 17-280867-2059http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4408This article begins with the analysis of demographic situation in Poland in comparison with the demography of other European countries. The demographical development of Poland was diminished by many wars in the second half of XVII century and the beginning of XVIII century (in 1500 A.D. ca. 6 persons per 1 km2; in 1650 A.D. - 11; in 1772 A.D. 19 persons per 1 km2). The presentation of Polish family was placed on the wide background of macrostructural relations. We can observe a greater significance of the ascribed status in Polish social structure than in cases of Western societies. The social advance was quite often connected with the prosperous marriage. The great role of family relations in case of Polish nobility and gentry can be observed. There was a strong position of paterfamilias, similar to the situation in ancient Rome. Unfortunately, the high degree of mortality limited the duration of marriages.plPrzemiany rodziny polskiej doby odrodzenia i oświeceniaThe transformation of Polish family in the age of Renaissance and EnlightenmentArtykuł