Marchewka, Kamilla2013-03-122013-03-122001Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 63, 2001, z. 4, s. 193-2060035-9629 article analyses the functions played by money and financial capitals. The theoretical distinction of the above mentioned resources and their functional definition creates a number of controversies on the theoretical level concerning the manner of characterizing the above mentioned resources and the further application o f these conclusions among other things for the formulation of a statistical form of money. The Author draws attention to the macroeconomic view of financial capitals which can be considered synonymous with money savings. In this context they are the income-based resources occurring in the economy, being the unused part of money devoted to consumption.plFUNKCJE PIENIĄDZA A FUNKCJE KAPITAŁÓW (OSZCZĘDNOŚCI) PIENIĘŻNYCHTHE FUNCTIONS OF MONEY AND FINANCIAL CAPITAL (=SAVINGS)Artykuł