KOSEVSKI PULJIĆ, BRIGITA2012-01-262012-01-262009Glottodidactica Vol. XXXV, 2009, pp. 91-1010072-4769http://hdl.handle.net/10593/1906The common issue of writing concepts is modelling of the processes which can increase the ability of acquiring the writing competence. It is necessary to consider different aspects included in the process of acquiring the writing ability: cognitive, communicative, language productive, language receptive, language reflexive, rational and emotional aspects.deWriting competence writing concepts, writing as a process, writing as learning, creative writing, rational and emotional aspects, modellingWriting conceptsWriting as a processWriting as learningCreative writingRational and emotional aspectsModellingDer Erwerb der Schreibkompetenz im Deutsch als Fremdsprache – zwischen Konzepten und ModellenThe acquiring of writing competence in German as a foreign language – concepts and modelsArtykuł