Budzinowski, Roman2013-12-302013-12-302007Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2007 Nr 2, s. 28-44.978-83-232181-7-31897-7626http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9495Agricultural law development is determined by factors that exist within the internal boundaries o f a given state on the one hand, and by certain international factors, on the other. While the former ones are o f a local character only, the latter comprise a number of phenomena o f a supranational character, e.g. political, economic or legal, which are responsible for political choices in individual states regarding agricultural policies, thus influencing the development o f relevant legal regulations. In the paper the author discusses two phenomena o f an international character, although o f different scope and direction o f influence: globalisation and régionalisation (limited, for the purpose o f the paper, to integration within the European Community). Then he explains how those two influence the development o f Polish agricultural law. Globalisation and régionalisation determine the directions o f the necessary developments in Polish agriculture, and consequently, modifications of legal regulations. And so, Polish agricultural law stands somewhat amongst globalisation, régionalisation and its local character. The resulting changes are most visible in the spheres o f domestic law that come directly under the Common Agricultural Policy. The author postulates that the remaining spheres o f national agricultural law should also be modified and approximated to meet the contemporary requirements.plMiędzynarodowy czynnik rozwoju prawa rolnegoINTERNATIONAL FACTOR OF AGRICULTURAL LAW DEVELOPMENTArtykuł