IWAN, Piotr2012-06-042012-06-041997Glottodidactica, Vol. 25 (1997)http://hdl.handle.net/10593/2633The autor discusses in a contrastive way the phenomena occurring during building the supplementary forms of the imperative mood in Polish and German. He also points out at forms of the imperative mood which are used only occasionaly. Various considerations concerning the language of the military and the forms „wollen” and „lassen” in German, and the construction „mech” in Polish show the diversity of those forms in both languages and underline the translation possibilities and difficulties in those areas. Because of their stylistic and pragmatic value, the phenomena of using the supplementary forms of the imperative mood in both languages should be considered in teaching German and Polish as foreign languages. They should also belong to the fundamental education of any translator or interpreter.deErsatzformen und selten gebrauchte Formen des Imperativs im Deutschen und im Polnischen — Versuch einer konfrontativen AnalyseArtykuł