Đurić, Dubravka2012-11-092012-11-092012Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2012, nr 2, s.119–133978-83-232-2409-92084-3011http://hdl.handle.net/10593/3703In the text I will focus on Zenitist poetry by Ljubomir Micić and Branko Ve Poljanski. I will construe a new discursive framework, which will make it possible for us to understand their multigenre texts as important items in the national poetry canon. I will contextualize the general characteristics of European avant-garde poetry practices, which were used by Micic and Poljanski in order to interpret the specific place of Zenitism as a general Balkan avantgarde movement, participating in a significant way in the European and world avant-garde.otheravant-garde poetryhybriditymanifestomultigenreperformativityPoetika hibridnih multižanrovskih pesničkih tekstova Ljubomira Micića i Branka Ve PoljanskogPoetics of Ljubomir Micić and Branko Ve Poljanski’s hybrid multigenre poetic textsArtykuł