Kasperek-Hoppe, Maria2013-07-172013-07-171999Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 61, 1999, z. 1, s. 167-173.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6971The level of living of the elderly can not be evaluated only on a basis of the data on amounts of performances (i.e. old age pensions) and on their share in the NBP, being done that the level of medical care, the family situation, the accommodation and gathered material means are of very much importance. Material position of the elderly is differentiated. It depends on the adherence to social and professional group, on the level of education and also on the age of a person. It is proved that the more a person is aged, the more difficult becomes respective material situation. As a result a new expression has recently emerged: the fourth age people, i.e. the oldest retired men - over 75 years - who dispose of the worst assurances for retired employees. In the 90ties in Poland there was a slight increase of performances for the retired. So, in relation with the income issue the situation of the retired is relatively favourable. However this attests not the general living standard. Within this group of age it depends to a great degree on the virtual state of health and on the possibility of existence without assistance of a third person. In a case where such an assistance occurs to be necessary or some very expensive medicaments are needed - the material position becomes immediately very difficult. And we must say that the „health expenses” - in comparison with other social and professional groups and also with the minimum salary - are relatively high within the discussed group. The accommodation situation of the elderly is being regulated and relatively favourable (when compared with other groups). However the increasing costs of the flats (systematically higher and higher, presently - about 30 per cent of all expenses) can in the future violate the balance of the home budgets.plWARUNKI ŻYCIA OSÓB W WIEKU EMERYTALNYMLIVING CONDITIONS OF PENSIONABLY AGED PERSONSArtykuł