Změlík, Richard2018-01-312018-01-312015Bohemistyka, 2015, nr 3, s. 201-2251642–9893 paper discusses the issue of literary representations in the pre-critical period, represented here by selected poetological concepts, exemplified by fourtexts of the period: Book X of Plato’s The Republic, Aristotle’s Poetics, Horace’s Ars poetica, and the mediaeval treatise by Geoffrey of Vinsauf Poetria nova. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the change in the understanding of the so-called content complexes of a literary work, which form the historical grounds for contemporary terms, including literary theme, motif, artistic representation, as well as the issue of fiction and reality.otherinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPlatónAristotelesQuintus Horatius FlaccusGalfredus de Vino Salvomimesisliterary representationtheme of literature»Tematika« literárního díla v předkritickém období – mezi antikou a vrcholným středověkem (výběrový přehled)Artykuł