Szlachta, Bogdan2013-07-182013-07-182013Przegląd Politologiczny, 2013, nr 1, s. 7-141426-8876 text presents remarks on four issues political scientists often take into consideration when reflecting on the borders of their research. The first issue concerns the call to scrutinize the course of legislative procedures, the second one – the need to recognize and note various traditions of political thought in the platforms of political parties and the statements uttered by politicians; the third – the fundamental question of whether political topics are grasped in the structure of sensual perceptions reflected in language; and, finally, the disputable postulate that the philosophy of politics, approached as an element of reflection on political science, clarifies exclusively the notions and concepts applied in the political sciences. These considerations pose problems rather than solve them, and they are completed by a warning that political science should not be developed towards common knowledge, and it should not become increasingly indeterminate and blurred.plpolitologianauki o politycedyscyplina naukowaPolitologia jako dyscyplina naukowa świadoma swoich postaw (stronniczy przyczynek do debaty z czterema uwagami)Political science as an academic discipline aware of its foundations (a biased contribution to the debate containing four remarks)Artykuł