Wojciechowski, Włodzimierz2013-09-152013-09-152005Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2005, Tom XIII-XIV, s. 161-1730239-8524http://hdl.handle.net/10593/7762A cemetery of megalithic long barrows of the so-called Kujavia type was discovered in autumn of 1995 near Muszkowice in the foothills o f the Sudety Mountains. It consists of 6 trapezoidal structures made of stone and sand. It has been the first megalithic cemetery discovered in south-west Poland to date. Only one of the barrows (No. 2) has been partly excavated so far. Its dimension, use of stones as a building material and unchambered construction resemble similar structures known from Pomerania (the Łupawa type). The barrow has been dated back to the Funnel Beaker Culture.plGrobowce megalityczne na Przedpolu SudetówMegalithic long barrows in the foothills of the Sudety MountainsArtykuł