Jezierska, Anna2011-07-082011-07-082011-03-31INTERLINIE. Interdyscyplinarne Czasopismo Internetowe, 1 (2) 2011, pp. 21-28.2082-9434 paper presents the baroque city space of Wrocław as a unique and complex phenomenon. The author focuses manly on the function of sculpture which was one of the most dominant means of baroque expression within the cityscape. Also, baroque theories on art and its social function are discussed, using some elements of the theory of communication, which is essential for describing the processes of experiencing the city space and visual arts within it. Huge baroque spatial town-planning compositions, i.e. combining elements of gardens and landscape with architecture and sculpture, could not be arranged in Wrocław: its close structure of medieval buildings and the solid system of fortifications made it impossible. These conditions forced certain alterations of the city which were utterly different from the West European ones. They mainly included rebuilding facades (e.g. coating them with baroque architectural and sculptural detail), specific planning of squares, erecting monuments and building chapel annexes by medieval churches. The structure of new foundations was dependent on an old street system (e.g. the new building of the Jesuit university). In this specific space of townplanning it was sculpture which was the most dominant means of baroque expression. Formed mainly by two ideologies – the protestant and the catholic ones - sculpture filled the city space, bearing specific, complex information. The receivers of this information derived from various social groups and denominations. Within the space of the baroque Wrocław, it is also possible to observe some specific micro-spaces (mainly church interiors), whose character was formed by the sculptural decor. The article presents the most important sacral and secular interiors, where sculpture played a leading role, as well as those sculptures which were placed on buildings’ facades and by the streets or in the squares.plRzeźba barokowaBaroque sculptureProtestantyzmProtestantismKontrreformacjaCounter-ReformationPrzestrzeń miejskaCity spaceTeoria komunikacjiTheory of communicationWrocławDOŚWIADCZANIE PRZESTRZENI W MIEŚCIE BAROKOWYM. RZEŹBA W PRZESTRZENI MIEJSKIEJ XVII- I XVIII-WIECZNEGO WROCŁAWIAExperiencing space in a baroque city. Baroque sculpture within the city space of Wrocław in the 17th and 18th centuriesArtykuł