Chmiel, Agnieszka2016-02-012016-02-012015W: Dydaktyka tłumaczenia ustnego, Agnieszka Chmiel i Przemysław Janikowski (red.), Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Wydawniczych, Katowice, 2015, str. 227-247.2083-1153 chapter focuses on processing in simultaneous interpreting, understood as a set of operations performed on the source text and tapping into interpreting strategies in order to streamline the production of the target text. First, arguments are presented to support the author’s approach to training, i.e. developing isolated sub-skills of simultaneous interpreting in order to achieve higher quality. By focusing on selected challenges at various stages of training, even at the expense of authenticity of interpreted texts and ecological validity, students develop coping mechanisms that they can later apply when coming across the same challenge in a more probable interpreting context. Also, the importance of discussing various solutions with students is highlighted as leading to greater awareness of techniques available to interpreters when coping with processing-related problems. Finally, a range of exercises is offered to train such elements of processing as anticipation, interpreting of non-contextual information (such as proper names and numbers), interpreting of idioms, coping with terminology, quotations, read out speeches, fast speakers and non-standard accents.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesstłumaczenie ustnetłumaczenie symultaniczneinterpretinginterpreter trainingconference interpretingsimultaneous interpretingPrzetwarzanie w tłumaczeniu symultanicznymRozdział z książki