Kuligowski, Piotr2014-04-162014-04-162013Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM, nr 7, wiosna-lato 2013, s. 29-392083-9782http://hdl.handle.net/10593/10488Piotr Kuligowski [piotr.kuligowski.1990@gmail.com] – student historii na UAM. Zainteresowania oscylują wokół historii polskiej lewicy (zwłaszcza jej XIX-wiecznych początków) oraz współczesnych, radykalnych ruchów protestu.The article is about historical policies and discourses produced by modern nationalist movements, as well as centrist and left-wing. The in- crease in attendance and frequency of demonstrations in recent times is not due to the economic crisis, but the skillful construction of rigid political identity and setting sharp lines of division by the radical right. Representing her environment, and especially the National-Radical Camp, deftly took important historical anniversaries and – presenting themselves as ardent patriots – to define hostile environment as traitors. Centrist and left-wing environment seems to be helpless in the face of this political acceleration and brutalization.Marsz Niepodległość11 listopadaONRBój o historię i tożsamość. Analiza „marszowych” dyskursówControversy about the History and Identity. An Analysis of „Marching Discourses”Artykuł