Zbaraszewska, Anna2013-03-082013-03-082008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 2, s. 109-1230035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5035At its fifty-third session (2001), the International Law Commission finally adopted a complete text of the Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities. The Articles apply to activities not prohibited by international law, which involve a risk of causing significant transboundary harm through their physical consequences. “Transboundary harm” means harm caused in the territory of, or in other places under the jurisdiction or control of a state, other than the state of origin, whether or not the states concerned share a common border (Art. 2c). The scope of the Draft Articles encompasses the activities involving a low probability of causing disastrous transboundary harm or a high probability o f causing significant transboundary harm. International liability arises only when there is a physical link between such an activity and its transboundary effects. Art. 3 of the Prevention Draft imposes a general obligation to take all appropriate measures to prevent significant transboundary harm, or at any event, to minimize the risk thereof. The state of origin shall procure prior authorization for any activity within the scope of the Draft Articles carried out in its territory or otherwise under its jurisdiction or control. Any decision in respect of the authorization will be based on an assessment of the possible risk o f transboundary harm caused by that activity, including an environmental impact assessment. If the assessment indicates a risk of causing significant transboundary harm, the state of origin shall provide the states likely to be affected with timely notification o f the risk. The state of origin and the states likely to be affected shall enter into consultation, at the request of any of them, with a view to achieving acceptable solutions regarding measures to be adopted in order to prevent significant transboundary harm. Due diligence is the criterion to assess whether the state has complied with its obligations under the Prevention Draft.plPRAWNOMIĘDZYNARODOWA ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚĆ ZA SZKODY TRANSGRANICZNE W ŚRODOWISKU - PROBLEM PREWENCJIINTERNATIONAL LIABILITY FOR TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL HARMS - THE QUESTION OF PREVENTIONArtykuł