Dryżałowska, Grażyna2013-11-272013-11-272013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 25, 2013, s. 51-61978-83-232-2610-91233-6688http://hdl.handle.net/10593/8621The article deals with a refl ection on the social integration of students with disabilities in the inclusive education system. A key problem has been done considering the disability and the corresponding mechanisms for the operation of the three systems: the fi rst for reading intentions and opinions of others about ourselves, the second - socializing and the third in charge of social status. In this article, this problem is included in the question whether the disability affect the mechanisms responsible for the operation of these three systems, and how. If the violation of one of the mechanisms has consequences for others. Which system plays the most important role for the child with disability in building positive relationships with non-disabled peers. Getting answers to the questions in this article requires a research on the effects of these three systems, then the entity is born and grows fraught with disabilities and their impact on the experience and behavior.plintegration of educationdependenceautonomysocial integrationperception of disability – OtherAlien – OtherOurIntegracja edukacyjna – od zależności do autonomiiIntegrating Education – from dependence to autonomyArtykuł