Romaszczenko, Ludmiła2012-05-072012-05-072011Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, Nr 36 (2011), pp. 239-247978-83-232-2300-90081-6884 the article based on the story In Petersburg by Alexei Poltoratsky, N. Gogol's personality in the cultural context of Russian empire capital is considered. Special attention is paid to creative relations of N. Gogol with prominent cultural personalities of that time: Pushkin, Jukovsky, Delvig, Maximowich and others. Except that the author reconsiders some stereotypes of appraisals touching these historical persons.otherНиколай Гоголь в культурном контексте эпохи (на материале повести А. Полторацкого „В Петербурге”)Nikolai Gogol in the cultural context of the epoch (on the novel “In Petersburg” by A. Poltoratsky)Mikołaj Gogol w kontekście kulturowym epoki (na materiale opowiadania А. Połtorackiego „W Petersburgu”)Artykuł