Nigmatov, Zyamil G.Valeeva, Roza A.2014-05-122014-05-122013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 27, 2013, s. 283-292978-83-232-2691-81233-6688 article updates problems of multicultural education of children and young people in the context of socio-economic and educational reforms in Russia. Features of a multicultural personality are presented. It is proved that multicultural education involves a close relationship to inclusive education. Inclusive education is demonstrated as a humanistic alternative to special education.rumulticultural educationmulticultural personalitymulticultural societyeducation reforminclusive educationintegrationchildren with disabilitiesФормирование поликультурной личности в условиях инклюзивного образованияDevelopment of a multicultural identity in the context of an inclusive educationArtykuł