Ilnicki, Rafał2013-12-122013-12-122012Przegląd Religioznawczy, nr4(246) ,2012, ss. 123-130.1230-4379ł Ilnicki – PRODUCTION OF THE SACRED BY THEOLOGICAL MACHINES In this paper I have presented new mode of sacred being incorporated into culture by the functioning of theological machines. I’m stating that there is new kind of sacred phenomena that are created by technological devices and can be religiously experienced by people. This is followed by characterization of four types of theological machines that are correlated to different practices, me-diums and experiences. In the end of article I’m widening this research perspective and formulate theses that could lead to better assimilation of theological machines into culture and religion. There is also strong impact on the relation between the sacred and human experience in the scope of tech-nological mediation of experience which could lead to dangers and spiritual benefits of man.plProdukcja sacrum przez maszyny teologiczneArtykuł