Buczkowski, Piotr2017-01-052017-01-051983Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 4, s. 273-2900035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/17205The author attempts at formulating certain hypotheses concerning basic developement trends in a contemporary capitalist society. The United States are selected as an example. Two significant concepts advanced by J. K. Galbraith and D. Bell functioning in the contemporary American thought are reconstructed in the article. Limitations of these concepts are indicated on the grounds of Marxian theory of policy, they neglect a real effect of the increacing role played by a political sphere in social life. Criticized authors focussing on bureaucratic processess do not admit the fact that a study in categories of bureaucracy indicates only at formal features of transformations. It is only the indication at real functions of bureaucratic organization which can facilitate perception evolutionary trends of contemporary capitalist society. In this context prognoses formulated by A. de Tocqueville in his „On Democracy in America" are still up-to-date.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessJ. K. Galbraith i D. Bell: ekonomisty i socjologa wizja współczesnego społeczeństwa amerykańskiegoJ. K. Galbraith and D. Bell: A vision of contemporary capitalism by an economist and sociologistArtykuł