Hejmej, Andrzej2013-12-302013-12-302003Przestrzenie Teorii, nr 2, 2003, s. 35-48978-83-232-2077-01644-6763http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9228The article concerns the question of music in literature, one of the problems of comparative studies, and terms: "non-musicality", "musicality" as stereotypes in literary studies. In the course of considering these views the following problems are discussed: analogy between literature and music (esthetic point of view), "non-musicality" of literature (as quite controversial category in literary research), musical contexts and intertexts (numerous artistic and analytical-literary strategies), contemporary typology of music in literature (S. P. Scher, E. Wiegandt, F. Arroyas, S. Jeanneret).plStereotyp(y) muzyki w literaturzeStereotype(s) of music in literatureArtykuł