Rossa, Piotr2020-03-062020-03-062019P. Rossa, Liturgia jako objawienie Misterium Jezusa Chrystusa w ujęciu Javiera Pradesa, [w:] B. Kochaniewicz, D. Kwiatkowski (red.), Chrystus w liturgii, Poznań 2019, s. 163 -172.978-83-65251-97-8 article attempts to examine the revelation of Christ in the liturgy in its wide context, as understood in the thought of the Madrid systematic theologian, Javier Prades. The history of Salvation which constitutes God's self-donation, with its center in Jesus Christ, has been exteriorized in sacramental signs, especially in the Eucharist. The liturgy is primarily a testimony of God's love revealed in Christ, through which man becomes grafted into the Community of the Triune God. The liturgy makes brotherhood among people possible. The categories of gratuitousness and communio are helpful guidepost for the understanding of Prades' liturgical Christology.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessJezus ChrystusLiturgiaKościółEucharystiaświadectwoChurchEucharisttestimonygratuitousnesscommunionIglesiaEucaristíaJavier Pradesteologia hiszpańskaTeologia españolaSpanische TheologieTeologia spagnola圣餐聖体스페인 신학马德里圣达马索大学Испанская теологияΙσπανική θεολογίαاللاهوت الاسبانيrito religiosoLiturgia jako objawienie Misterium Jezusa Chrystusa w ujęciu Javiera PradesaThe liturgy as the revelation of the Mistery of Jesus Christ according to Javier PradesRozdział z książki