Matczak, Marcin2013-03-122013-03-122007Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 69, 2007, z. 1, s. 17-31.0035-9629 paper is an attempt to describe the phenomenon o f the misuse of power when using conceptual instruments of law theory. In the authors view, the misuse of power is a specific type o f an improper exercise o f power, which nevertheless, prima facie, appears to be exercised properly. What makes the misuse of power a prima facie proper exercise of power is that it does not meet the requirements that are difficult to perceive: the requirement of the entity carrying out a given act to have the appropriate intent and the requirement of the act to bring about the relevant effects in the real world. These requirements are not o f a formal nature, which is also why an act constituting a misuse of power is a correct act from a formal perspective, while it is questioned on the grounds of the non-fulfilment of substantive requirements. When describing the phenomenon of the misuse of power, the author makes use of the concept of conventional acts and the concept of speech acts.plNADUŻYCIE KOMPETENCJI. ZARYS PROBLEMUMISUSE OF POWER. AN OUTLINE OF THE PROBLEMArtykuł