Wrzesień, Witold2013-02-102013-02-102010Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2010, tom 20, s. 37-54.0867-2059http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4471During last few decades youth became one of the most important social values, but also a product modifying our life in consumerist capitalism. The cult of the youth became the norm not only in the mass media and advertising world. Today almost all of us, despite getting old, try to remain young, look young and feel young, but could not always admit that. Cultivation of youth features among contemporary adults leads to the question: are modern western societies younger or not fully grown-up? Presented article is therefore an attempt to propose first few suggestions how to solve mentioned problem.plCzy ulegając nastolatyzacji zachowamy młodość?Can teenagealization keep us young?Artykuł