Kostek, Szymon2013-01-302013-01-302011Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 2011, nr numery XXI/1, s. 21-40978-83-7654-160-0http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4260The article titled „Return of the rightful gods”? Colonization, Violence, and Utopia in Aristophanes’ “Birds” is an interdisciplinary project which was placed in the scope of research of classical studies, drama and theatre studies, and cultural studies. The book Aristophanes. Myth, Ritual, and Comedy written by Angus M. Bowie was used in this paper as a principal inspiration of inquiry and interpretation. The story line of Aristophanes’ comedy is similar to the process of abandonment of nature by individuals and it is of course similar to the process of creating of civilization by them. The questions as relations between nature and culture, cosmogonical acts, colonization, utopia, images of old-Greek gods and demigods are discussed in the article on the basis of Aristophanes’ Birds. But the most important thing is a vision of man as an absolute ruler of universe who is believing in his power what we can see during reading of Aristophanes’ comedy. The main part of the work was intended for analysis of this problem.The article titled „Return of the rightful gods”? Colonization, Violence, and Utopia in Aristophanes’ “Birds” is an interdisciplinary project which was placed in the scope of research of classical studies, drama and theatre studies, and cultural studies. The book Aristophanes. Myth, Ritual, and Comedy written by Angus M. Bowie was used in this paper as a principal inspiration of inquiry and interpretation.plAristophanesbirdsAngus M. BowieGreek comedyrelations between nature and cultureJean-Jacques Rousseaucosmogonic actutopiaPrometheuscultural studies„Return of the rightful gods”? Kolonizacja, władza i utopia w Ptakach Arystofanesa„Return of the rightful gods”? Colonization, Violence, and Utopia in Aristophanes’ BirdsArtykuł