Łukasiewicz, Szymon2014-01-102014-01-102012Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 63, 2012, s.49-75978-83-7654-158-72081-6014http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9714This article presents the physical structure of the land, organic substances content and the chemical composition of soil comprising subsoil of 21 urban greenery locations in the city of Poznań. As they tend to be commonly underestimated, they have also been presented with view to their vital functions in plants’ life processes. The analysed microelements are referred to their levels, the so-called geo-chemical background of Polish soils and the limit values for field soils with medium levels of nutrients.plsoil microelementsanthropogenic soilscity ecologyhorse-chestnutAesculus hippocastanum L.Struktura fizyczna gruntu, zawartość substancji organicznej oraz skład chemiczny gleb w podłożach 21 stanowisk zieleni miejskiej na terenie Poznania. Część IV. Zawartość mikroelementów: Cl, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B oraz Na, Pb i Cd. Wskaźnik zasolenia ECArtykuł