Rutkowiak, Joanna2013-04-172013-04-172012Studia Edukacyjne, nr 22, 2012, s. 127-138978-83-232-2502-71233-6688 text brings up the issue of forming the culture of trust at school as an element that is par-ticularly important for the principle of social capital. This subject is presented in a wider con-text and based on the assumption that not only does the quality of social life filter and is reflec-ted in the quality of the educational institution, but it also puts pressure on it.plculture of trustsocial capitalneoliberalismJak kształtować kulturę zaufania i odpowiedzialności w szkole w warunkach promowania rywalizacji przez neoliberalizm?How to form the culture of trust and responsibility at school when rivalry is promoted by neoliberalism?Artykuł