Litvinova, LiudmylaŁukasik, SylwiaŻurkiewicz, DanutaGwizdała, MartaChyleński, MaciejMalmström, HelenaJakobsson, MattiasJuras, Anna2016-11-022016-11-022015Baltic-Pontic-Studies, 2015, vol. 20, pp. 292-335.1231-0344 examinations were performed on skeletal material from four barrow necropolises located in the Yampil region (Ukraine) and dated to the Eneolithic, Bronze age and iron age . The purpose of the examinations was the determination of sex and age at death of individuals, reconstruction of their stature and assessment of their status of health . The examinations covered 61 individuals: 17 children and 44 adults . Their health status was assessed using four common indicators: linear enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and dental caries.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEneolithicYamnaya cultureBronze AgeanthropologyUkraineANTHROPOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF SKELETAL MATERIAL FROM THE DNIESTER BARROW - CEMETERY COMPLEX, YAMPIL REGION, VINNITSA OBLAST (UKRAINE)Artykuł