Redelbach, Andrzej2016-11-282016-11-281997Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 59, 1997, z. 2, s. 13-42.0035-9629 article presents some problems involved with regulations of the art. 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights, namely - principle of fair proceeding. Decisions taken in this respect by the European Commission for Human Rights as well as judicial decisions of the European Court for Human Rights constitute a system of precedents which is coherent in due measure. Considerations on the scope of application and on elements composing the mentioned article of the Convention allow to interpret the contents of one fundamental principles of law ever recognized by civilized nations. The principle of fair proceeding assures the right to just consideration of a cause by a court, because only realization of such a principle enables us to verify different decisions made by public power, decisions which are of imminent impact on legal position of an individual and relating corporations. No justice can be guaranteed without clear and univocal rules of procedure. The importance and immediate interest of this problem are related to the fact that Poland has now just begun the difficult process of adapting its law system to European exigences. Effective complaints lodged in the Strasbourg organs can be neutralized only on the way of applying the law of the Republic of Poland in conformity with the Convention standards, a law which up to the present is not the best possible one.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessZasada rzetelności w postępowaniu w rozstrzygnięciach organów strasburskichPrinciple of fair proceeding in decisions taking of the Strasbourg organsArtykuł