Łukaszewski, JakubSidorowicz-Mulak, DorotaFranczyk-Cegła, Agnieszka2021-07-082021-07-082020Fragmenty księgozbioru Abrahama Zbąskiego (Sbąskiego) herbu Nałęcz (1531-1578), [w:] Kolekcje prywatne w zbiorach książki dawnej. Studia, Tom 1, red. D. Sidorowicz-Mulak, A. Franczyk-Cegła, Wrocław 2020, s. 300-323978-83-66267-51-0https://hdl.handle.net/10593/26345Abstract: The article focuses on two issues. In the beginning, the figure of Abraham Zbąski (Sbąski) of the coat of arm of Nałęcz (1531-1578), a Renaissance erudite and traveler, is presented. The following part of the text focuses on the presentation of a fragment of his book collection. On the basis of old prints found in the collections of the University Library in Poznań and the Library of the Higher Theological Seminary in Włocławek (6 volumes, containing eight works), its content, traces of reading, ownership marks and external appearance of the volumes were described. The circumstances of the dispersal of this book collection were also discussed. The text is accompanied by an Annex with a detailed bibliographic description of each of the found works.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAbraham Zbąskiold printshumanist book collectionprovenanceFragmenty księgozbioru Abrahama Zbąskiego (Sbąskiego) herbu Nałęcz (1531-1578)Artykuł