Nowakowska, Aleksandra2013-02-252013-02-252012-11-24Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2012, vol. 39, nr 3, pp. 19-31978-83-232-2469-30137-2475 article presents a thorough study of dislocation of superlative inferiority adjective dialogic function. The hypothesis of work stipulates that the dislocation is dialogic because the dislocated theme implies a relationship with a prior utterance by another enunciation. This relationship between two utterances is based on a comparison and makes dislocation a dialogic marker.frThemeDialogismDetachmentDislocationdiscourse analysisLa dislocation d’un SA superlatif relatif d’infériorité : un cas particulier ?The dislocation of the superlative inferiority adjective: a particular case?Artykuł