Nowacka, AgnieszkaPtak, Mariusz2017-01-102017-01-102007Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 58, 2007, s. 149-157978-83-7063-538-10067-2807 study presents the changes of lake surfaces in Wielkopolsko-Kujawskie Lake District in the 20th century. The changes are the result of natural processes (the oscillations of climate, sedimentation) as well as artificial ones – caused by man (the barring of rivers, the drainage of the terrain etc.). The above mentioned area, as one of the most economically developed in the country, was quite early subjected to hydotechnical works. It is stated, based on the calculations, that in the discussed area there are 1212 lakes (of the surface bigger than 1 hectare) whose total surface is 40037,7 hectares and these are much smaller than the ones noted at the beginning of the 20 th century which were surface changes, this area was correlated with natural factors, such as for example the size of precipitation. This analysis, did not bring the clear answer to our question. To provide a detailed answer to this question, one has to carry out a multi-faceted analysis however, this exceeds the scope at the present study. Assuming that present disappearance, that is 19.2%, would remain constants for a hundred years (19.2%/100), we can state that the lakes of Wielkopolsko- Kujawskie Lake District will disappear in about 500 years.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessZmiany powierzchni jezior na Pojezierzu Wielkopolsko-Kujawskim w XX w.Artykuł