Dietl, Jerzy2017-12-312017-12-311980Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 42, 1980, z. 3, s. 229-2450035-9629 aims and characteristic features of marketing information necessary for decision making. Diagnosis and prognosis of marketing researches in Poland. In particular different variants of areas of application and techniques of marketing research adequate for: different assumptions concerning evironmental variables, time factor (short and long run) and level of management on which the decisions are made were underlined. As a result pragmatic conclusions pertaining to necessary changes in the planning and management system were formulated. Different sources and means of communication were characterized. That analisis gave the posibility to determine the role of which types of information would increase or decrease in the future.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessInformacja i badania marketingowe jako podstawa podejmowania decyzjiMarketing Information and Research as a Basis of Decision TakingArtykuł