Kowalczyk, Agnieszka2014-09-082014-09-082010Praktyka Teoretyczna 2010, nr 1, s.116-1352081-8130http://hdl.handle.net/10593/11441This paper investigates one of the “posthumanist” propositions of redefining notion of community. It argues that in order to expand community as regards nonhuman animals (Haraway) and technology, things (Latour) it is necessary to go beyond dichotomy of means and ends, instrumental and communicative action.plANTmeans and endsnonhumanLatourHarawaylaboratoryinstrumental actioncollectivetechnologyWspólnota poszerzona – spotkania ludzkich i pozaludzkich aktorówExpanded community – encounters of human and nonhuman actorsArtykuł