Kwiek, Marek2014-01-222014-01-222012In: Marek Kwiek and Andrzej Kurkiewicz (eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York: Peter Lang. 2012, pp. 333-360 concluding chapter discusses EU-level developments in policy thinking in the area of higher education, training, and labour markets based on the analysis of a major large-scale strategy promoted by the European Commission in the 2000s: “Education and Training 2010” (ET 2010, launched in 2001, followed by a new strategy for the next decade, “Education and Training 2020”, ET 2020). The strategy shows major EU-level conceptualizations in the areas of education, training and labour market policies. The major focus of this analysis of the most relevant documents debated within this strategy is youth, students, and graduates; in particular in connection with higher education and lifelong learning pportunities. The EU-level strategy is linked here to the formerly existing Lisbon Strategy and to the new Europe 2020 Strategy for “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”.enEuropean integrationEuropean social policiessocial EuropeBologna Processhigher educationLisbon strategyEurope 2020 strategyEuropean universitiesEuropean Commissionreformsreforming European universitiespublic sector reformsconvergenceEducation and Training 2010European social strategiesEU-levelEuropean-levelConcluding Remarks: European Strategies and Higher EducationRozdział z książki