Fedorowicz, Krzysztof2020-03-232020-03-232017Studia Politologiczne, vol. 43, 2017, pp. 36-60.1640-8888http://hdl.handle.net/10593/25545The article presents the role and place of secret services in the political system of Armenia. The following publication tries to answer the question of whether secret services are subordinate to the interests of the state. Presents complicated political conditions of Armenia and their impact on the creation and functioning of secret services. The article indicated been selected examples of interference of special services in the political life of Armenia and the cooperation of the special services of Armenia and Russia.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesssłużby specjalne, bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne, terroryzm, Armenia, Kaukazsecret service, internal security, terrorism, Armenia, CaucasusSłużby specjalne w systemie ustrojowym ArmeniiArtykuł