Paluszkiewicz, HannaBłaszyk, MagdalenaWiliński, PawełKarlik, Piotr2014-11-052014-11-052014Wiliński P., Karlik P. (red), Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid, Adam Mickiewicz University: Poznan, 2014, pp. 223-229978-83-936610-4-6 stanowi zwieńczenie projektu "Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid" (JUST/2011/JPEN/AG/2924) współfinansowanego przez Komisję Europejską, dotyczącego pozycji pokrzywdzonego w procesie karnym.In Polish criminal procedure, mediation is a relatively new institution. It is still developing after being introduced into the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) in 1997. Initially, mediation wasnot independent as its application was tied to other consensual trial options.eninternational regulations on mediation in Polish criminal proceedingsThe impact of international regulations on mediation in Polish criminal proceedingsRozdział z książki