Strykowski, Wacław2013-07-042013-07-041999Neodidagmata, nr 24, 1999, pp. 133-142978-83-232-2332-00077-653X origin and the essence of media education are presented in the article. Its two main goals are emphassized: (a) preparation to conscious and critical reception of various media messages (software), (b) preparation to efficient use of media as tools for communication, study and intellectual work (hardware). The article also presents curriculum basics of „Reading and media education” subject designed as an interdisciplinary path in elementary and secondary schools. It also presents curriculum basics of „Computer Science” subject which will be obligatory in the reformed school.plUmiejętnościSkillsMediaMultimediaKompetencjeCompetencesEdukacja medialnaMedia educationReforma edukacjiReform of educationProgram nauczaniaCurriculumMedia obiektem kształcenia w zreformowanej szkoleMedia as the teaching object in the reformed schoolArtykuł