Najlepszy, Eugeniusz2017-01-052017-01-051983Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 4, s. 159-1710035-9629 article is an attempt to study possibilities of trade conversion in Poland and other CMEA member States to slow the increasing involvement in foreign debts in the socialist States and to reduce gradually their international payments deficit in the trade with the Western States. The author focusses on answering a question whether it is possible and to what degree, to limit Polish and other socialis States' imports from the industrial Western countries by means of intensifying international economic cooperation within the framework of the CMEA group of member States. The author dwells also on finding conditions and capacities of international coordination of trade policies of the member states on the Western markets and in the Third World. Coordinating these policies within the CMEA would maintain and develop such institutional, produetional and trade links which would bring about equal returns to both parts of the East-West exchange. It is understood that a consolidation of economic policies of the socialist States and a further intensification of economic ties within the CMEA is a main condition to start actions which would limit a destructive effect of the economic crisis in the capitalist world.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKierunki przezwyciężania zewnętrznych trudności gospodarczych Polski i innych krajów socjalistycznych w ramach systemu międzynarodowej współpracy gospodarczej RWPGTrends in overcoming external economic problems in Poland and other socialist states within the framework of international economic cooperation in the CMEAArtykuł