Tomaszkiewicz, Teresa2013-04-252013-04-252001Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2001, vol. 27, pp. 163-17283-232-1270-80137-2475 article describes the connection between the science of translation and contrastive textology. The foucs is on the texts of a strictly determined fixed structure, such as: instructions of use, bank or medical leaflets, recipes, job advertisements, legislative texts (a company establishment agreement, a leasing agreement, etc.), which translators may be exposed to in their professional careers. The article tries to outline these texts’ models, which tend to function parallelly in different societies as a basis for their correct translation.frThéorie des modèles de textes appliquée à la traductologieThe theory of texts’ models applied in the science of translationArtykuł