Zwierzchlewski, Sławomir2013-07-172013-07-171999Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 61, 1999, z. 2, s. 199-204.0035-9629 privatization processes carried out presently in Poland the staff companies are very popular. The article attracts attention to three factors which contributed to development of this form of privatization, and namely: development of the staff’s self-government, institutional support for this kind of privatization and legislative solutions that enable foundation of companies of typical staff character. The law (dated September 25, 1981) on State owned enterprises gave a strong impulse for the staffs of these enterprises, what had for its result the fact of frequent using of privatization by the staffs’ companies after the beginning of the system transformation process. In Autumn 1989 the Union of the Staff’s Property has been created; the Union has derived the patterns from American plans of the staff’s capital shares (the so-called E.S.O.P.) which were occupied with purchasing and distributing of the enterprises’ stock among their employees (i.e.: staff). The popularity of the staff’s companies is still enhanced with legal and financial preferences for to found such companies. The preferences have been created within the framework of the so-called leasing - bom privatization.plCZYNNIKI WPŁYWAJĄCE NA POWSTAWANIE SPÓŁEK PRACOWNICZYCHFACTORS INFLUENCING THE FOUNDATION OF THE STAFF COMPANIESArtykuł