Cwalina, Małgorzata2014-02-242014-02-242013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 26, 2013, s. 171-184978-83-232-2658-11233-6688 article presents mediation proceedings applied in juvenile court cases in Poland. It is based on my master’s thesis entitled: Mediation as a method of protection of juveniles against stigmatization. The article is divided into two sections. The first one depicts the fundamental assumptions of mediation process, the second contains a description and analysis of my own research carried out among young people from half-open penitentiaries in the region of Mazovia.plmediationjuvenilerestorative justiceMediacja w percepcji nieletnich wychowanków zakładów poprawczych – doniesienia z badań własnychThe perception of mediation amongst juveniles in reformatoriesArtykuł