Jaskulska, Sylwia2013-09-102013-09-102011Studia Edukacyjne, 15/2011, s. 63-85.978-83-232-2360-31233-6688http://hdl.handle.net/10593/7744The subject of this article is the ‘conduct marking’ in Junior secondary school. I present the study results, that can be a source of information on school and can contribute to the debate about condition of Polish education. The results are the following: the educational ideal at school is the conformist attitude, students whose conduct is assessed are not motivated to act or work on improving themselves. Schools don’t support student’s development by preparing for autonomous learning, critical attitude, self-assessment, introspection, initiative, involvement and self-development.plocenianie zachowaniagimnazjaliściconduct markingJunior secondary school studentsPrzedmiot oceny zachowania z perspektywy ocenianych gimnazjalistówThe subject of the conduct mark from a perspective of Junior secondary school studentsArtykuł