Ptak, Mariusz2013-12-052013-12-052012Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 63, 2012, s. 111-120978-83-7654-158-72081-6014 main advantage of the Wielkopolsko-Kujawskie Lake District for recreation and relaxation are its lakes. They are used mainly by residents of the region, due to their ability to access them quickly and thus the associated low costs of transport. The work on the base of topographic maps in a scale of 1 : 50 000, inventoried the recreation basis located around the district’s lakes. Altogether there are 502 such objects. They are located at over 178 lakes, which constitute only 14.7% of all the lakes in the Lake District. The distribution of leisure and recreation infrastructure is chaotic and random, often with better performances in the lake for recreational purposes (such as large surface area) do not have such a building over its banks and there is a smaller lake, with lower quality water, etc.pltourismlakesWielkopolsko-Kujawskie Lake DistrictJeziora Pojezierza Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiego jako baza rekreacyjno-wypoczynkowaArtykuł